We Need to Transcend Evolution

So I'm going to start doing this thing. Every now and again, I'm going to put the spotlight on people around me. If they're okay with that. And if they're not okay with it, I'll just give them a fake name because I feel like everyone who is doing good needs to have the spotlight put on them every now and again. 

I want to start off doing what I feel is right. At the core of my being, I feel like if we're asking for others to bring awareness to what we're doing, then we need to be willing to do the same for them. 

My friend Randy is a great guy. I met Randy through a Facebook group for transgender individuals. We added each other to our friend's list and the rest is history so to speak. Randy is one of the major reasons why I stay on Facebook, and why I can't completely dismiss it as a viable means of communication. I've never met him face to face, we've only ever spoken online. It's not going to stay that way forever, we'll eventually sit down together and kick it like old friends. 

I tend to stress the importance of human interaction, online communication is incomplete, but it's still communication and it's still a way for us to learn and grow. Randy lives across the country from me and his life is vastly different from my own. I love getting to share our experiences with each other. 

A couple months ago he started a website called Transcend Evolution. He's worked extremely hard on his brainchild. I've kind of sat on the sidelines and watched as he brought this idea he had to life. Transcend Evolution is a website where LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies can come together to learn and grow. It's a place to find resources and news about the LGBTQ+ movement. 

He has managed to inspire me, and now I'm trying to help out as much as I can to collab and help him build this idea further. We don't know what the future holds, but we can sense that it's going to be awesome. I'm excited to see where this goes. Randy is extremely driven and compassionate. He's living his life with passion, the way we all need to be living. He reminds me of my late friend in some ways, She seemed to have the same zest for life. 

I urge all of you reading this to go check out the site. We're still building and growing, but it's already a site to see in my opinion. Stay gold pony boy, let's bring our outsiders into the light of day, and do our best to live as one! 


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