School Lunch Programs Shouldn't Out Children As Poor

Today I read an article about how school lunch programs here in the United States are singling out children who come from lower socioeconomic tiers. Children who can't pay for their lunches are being called out in front of other students, being forced to work to pay off debts that their parents can't pay. 

WHAT FUCKING WORLD AM I LIVING IN?!?!?!?!?! Can someone please answer me how anyone can say with a straight face that we aren't waging a class warfare? We are still in feudal times, we are not some advanced civilization, we still have a lot of work to do. We are barely civilized. 

No child should be expected to work to pay for their lunches. Kids should just get to fucking eat! Adults should be fucking intelligent enough to realize that kids are extremely sensitive to differences and none of them want to be singled out as less than their peers. Having a monetary economy is inherently classist, this cannot be fixed, but its effects can be diminished while we try to fix this problem. 

Diminish the classism problem by letting kids eat regardless of the financial standing of their parents. Diminish the problem by NOT going on field trips that require the kid's parents to have ready access to disposable money. Do NOT involve money when the kids are concerned. Let them have a childhood free of the economic worry that our fucked up economy brings. 

There is no fixing this system, it's built into the system that there will always be low wage earners and high wage earners and there will always be the lie that people can work hard enough to forge their own opportunities and make millions or even billions. That is growing harder and harder to do because of the greedy amongst us. The American Dream is a dream because if you believe that crock of shit, you're fuckin' sleeping. 

We need to have basic income in this country. We need to have health care. We need to quit pretending like it's okay for the greedy few to have all the wealth. The wealthy need to start seeing health care and basic income as guillotine insurance. If they don't we will have another bloody revolution. 

In the United States, we are supposed to have the right to the pursuit of happiness. When money is so important in our society for that happiness then we have a right to it. When automation starts making a bigger impact displacing workers we will need basic income. People will still want to be productive. No one in their right mind wants to live a life of little productivity. We need to start rethinking what we value though. This working yourself to the bone for chump change just makes you look like a fuckin' dumb ass hamster on a wheel, generating cash for everyone else while rubbing pennies together yourself. 

But we're forced to do it, forced to be dumb ass hamsters,... well fucking wake up for fuck's sake. Admit you're their cattle and they're farming you.. Get angry and pick up your pitch forks because NO ONE was put here to pay bills and die. We weren't put here to generate a better living for those who were born into a more wealthy family. These fuckers who've been born on third and are dumb enough to think they hit a triple really need to be put in their places. 

Problem is, the people I see around me are too busy faithin' and believing that they too can be one of the wealthy. Tell me, how many of you have a billionaire rags to riches story from your graduating class???? Now how many graduating classes were there your graduating year NATIONALLY? Do you see the problem here?? If not, you're not fucking looking hard enough. 


*mic drop* 


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