Don't Waste Your Life, Live Authentically!

As I near my thirty-third year on this planet I stop to think; What would I truly regret when my time here has ended? Honestly tonight all I can think about is living my life to the fullest. Part of that is living authentically. Life can't be lived to its fullest if it's being lived for the approval of someone else. Life can't be lived to its fullest if we are hung up on social norms or what others may think if we deviate from the crowd. 

The narrative to life seems to be, grow up, get married, have 2.5 kids and a house in the burbs. Consume, fall in line with the majority for their comfort. I've noticed in recent years, people are starting to break away from what is expected of them to do with life and it makes me very happy. 

I love seeing women say they don't want kids. It's always been okay for men to not want kids but women have traditionally been expected to want kids. I think it's perfectly okay to not want kids and to go for what you really want out of life. One of my late friends use to say that she was "too selfish" to have kids. That she just wanted to live her life. It annoyed her when people would ask when her and her husband were going to have kids. Neither wanted kids they were happy with their cats. People in the area acted like she had grown a second head or something when she would tell them that. Or they'd be dismissive and say something like "Someday you'll change your mind." That's BS. And it's putting social pressure on someone to conform. I admired her for not giving into social pressures. I admired her for living her life authentically. 

I love seeing polyamorous people speaking up about monogamy not being taught as a default. I'm part of that crowd myself. Monogamy shouldn't be taught as the only relationship model. What makes the world great is how diverse it is. We shouldn't be pressuring people into lifestyles out of our own selfish need for conformity. 

I love that people are changing their ideas about consumerism as well. Buying another new whatever isn't going to change how you feel about yourself or your life. It might for a moment, but the new shiny wears off pretty quickly, then we're back to trying to fill the void again. 

We don't get another life, as far as we know. Honestly, no one knows what happens when we die, but most likely, it'll be just like before we were born. No pain, nothing. Just sleep. As far as we know for certain brain activity stops and we just stop. So we have to make this life count. Believe in fairy tales all you want, tell yourself pretty stories if you must to make it through this life. I won't hold it against anyone on how they need to get through this life. 

Whatever you do though, live authentically. Don't give in to what the crowd wants you to do. Explore different cultures! Investigate sub-cultures, learn about everything that catches your fancy, not just one or two things. Try new things. Try the same new thing several times to make sure you like it or not. Find that which you love and fuck the rest of it. Don't waste your attention on things that bring you down. Stay realistic, and for fucks sake change your mind with new information. 

Love, do a lot of loving. No one is ever on their death bed saying they wish they'd lived a more hateful life. Many have wished for a more loving life though. Don't give away your power. Don't play the victim. Be proud of who you are. Admit when you've been wrong about something, it shows character not weakness. It shows a willingness to learn and to grow. 

Whatever you do in this life, live well. Live authentically; and always keep swimming. 


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