More at Peace Now Than Ever
Life is a funny thing. It's like a puzzle without a box and we've no clue where the pieces go, we just have to figure ways to make them fit. If we're lucky we'll be able to make a beautiful picture. I use to hold onto my anger. Unable to let go, but slowly I'm finding some semblance of peace. I was raised to believe that everyone around me was bad for one reason or another. I mean, a certain person in my life has hardly a good word about anyone, including me. I generally don't like this town I live in, but I'm starting to believe that it's because I've been conditioned to hate it. Yeah, a good deal of people here are willfully ignorant, but there are over five thousand people in this little town. I honestly don't think I've given this place a fair shake. It's not entirely my fault, though; I was bullied. I was bullied hard. That was high school, though. People grow up, I've grown up. I've changed. Quite a bit, and since m...