
Showing posts from July, 2017

Assume.... Ass U Me

Have you ever heard the saying, "Assume and make an ass out of you and me." I hadn't heard it until an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It totally makes sense though. When we assume something about someone based on a group they find themselves to be a part of it makes us an ass, and it makes an ass out of them because they have to put you in your place if they're not going to play doormat.  The biggest way to get on my bad side is to assume that just because I'm transgender that I should be offended or afraid of something. I hate when people project their fears and assumptions onto me based on something that I see to be a minor part of my identity. Not only is it minor, but it's in my past so I don't really think much about it.  Being trans has its own load of shit and that load of shit really depends on the individual. If you've met one trans person, you've met one trans person. Don't think that any one trans person speaks for all t...