Please Don't Listen to Transtrenders!
I've been thinking a lot lately about this term, Transtrenders. At first, I honestly didn't want to believe that some people think it's trendy to be trans. I've learned though that it's not really about being trendy. These people have major self-esteem issues, and probably a host of other psychological issues. Please, have compassion for them, but don't listen to their nonsensical bullshit. I'm not going to call anyone out by name in this article. I refuse to do so because I don't want to risk giving these people views when you look them up on Youtube. If you're familiar with the trans part of the LGBT movement, then you're probably familiar with at least one or two trans trenders. A little back story about me. I started transition at eighteen years of age. And the entire time I was in transition I did not seek out the rest of the trans community because I was attempting to just be myself. I didn't really care to engage. My transit...